For Authors
Contributions are welcome from interested persons of all skill levels from amateur to professional, including field naturalists, conservation practitioners, students and professional researchers. The journal particularly encourages submissions from Indigenous people, or people representing Indigenous groups.

All articles will be appraised by a scientific editor and subject to review by at least one expert in the field of interest – the reviewer(s).
Acceptance for publication is not guaranteed but North Queensland Naturalist is supportive of those with original, relevant material, including the work of amateur naturalists. We encourage collaboration between authors, reviewers and editors, although reviewers retain the right to anonymity if they prefer. Authors can reasonably be expected to revise articles in the light of comments from editors and reviewers.
For those not familiar with the scientific process, help with the preparation of articles is available. Assistance with the preparation of maps is also available for authors who do not have access to GIS services. Please contact the editor regarding any assistance you need.

North Queensland Naturalist's geographic scope is tropical Queensland – any part of the state north of the Tropic of Capricorn including far-inland, coastal and adjacent marine areas – and including nearby areas for which there is no alternative journal. Articles may:
comprise reports of interesting behaviours or extensions to known range;
present results of surveys or research;
present Indigenous Knowledge;
be reviews, species profiles or identification keys and notes for groups of taxa;
be historical discourse relevant to natural history; or
other related material.
North Queensland Naturalist is not intended to replace or compete with club newsletters: excursion reports, unreferenced observations and species lists without considerable supporting material will not normally be considered. If in doubt about the suitability of your material, please discuss this with a member of the panel of editors before preparing your article.
Articles must be original, unpublished and not under consideration for publication elsewhere. They should be placed in the context of published literature and knowledge, and be appropriately referenced. Articles will generally take the form of a research paper, short note, review, or profile. Please refer to the Guide for Authors below for more detail. Correspondence is also encouraged where it fosters the exchange of ideas or provides observations which enhance the value of previous reports. Authors who have prepared taxonomic revisions are encouraged to submit these to specialised taxonomic journals rather than to North Queensland Naturalist.
The articles published in Volume 46 illustrate a range of potential article types and styles that are welcome.